Leverage the capacities of the personnel within an educational institution Assist educational institutions to become recognized internationally Equip schools’ internal management department with the skills to develop quality strategic and action plans and clear identification of vision, mission and goal frameworks Increase student numbers within an educational institution Support educational institutions with self-assessment tools for sustainable results
Advisory and Accreditation (APIS)
Accreditation consulting – Assess, plan, implement and structure APIS is a comprehensive service carried out by Pedagogy’s qualified and competent consultants to collect credible information about an educational institution such as schools, universities and TVETS, performance on various levels; academic, administrative, financial and institutional It prepares educational institutions apply and establish a quality standard to meet international accreditation requirements
Adapting systematic data collection processes, our consultants at Pedagogy evaluate different facets of an educational institution’s performance to identify and ASSES strengths and priority areas of improvement. Following data analysis and reflection, Pedagogy team collaborates with institution representatives to deliver consultancy workshops on developing strategic plans (PLANNING), meeting accreditation criteria, forming internal evaluation Systems (IMPLEMENTINNG) and applying for international accreditation agencies (STRUCTURING).