Our Projects

Pedagogy Publishers

PEDAGOGY is a licensed publishing house operating under the name PEDAGOGY Publishers P2 and is led by a distinguished team of experts from: Psychological educators, Programmers, Technology engineers, and Educational authorities. Interactive digital curricula have been built and developed with two accreditation: a Lebanese national accreditation from the Educational Center for Research and Development/Ministry of Education in Lebanon and an international accreditation from Quality Matters.

Iraq Education

The project aims to convert the national curricula (Textbooks: Arabic, Science, Math, Islamic education, and Sociology) of grades 5 and 6 in Iraq into digital content with integrated text, videos, interactive exercises, and assessments. In addition, the project aims to develop an offline application in which the converted curricula can be embedded to be then used by Iraqi students during both physical, blended and/or remote learning.

Peda-Training Platform

PEDA-TRAINING Platform, which aims to develop e-courses on teaching, educational management and quality to benefit educators in the Arab States in private and public schools


Developed a competency-based curricula on “Poultry” that will assist youth working in the agriculture sector with relevant skills through five essential areas of actions: developing a training curriculum on “Poultry” following the competencies in the Occupation Standard, developing formative assessment tools to detect the topics students are struggling to understand and the skills they are having trouble to master during the theoretical training period; 

Empowering Educators

Empowering Educators and Bridging the Digital Divide: Developing a Comprehensive Training Guide for Enhancing Digital Skills and Equipping Trainers with Cutting-Edge Techniques to Empower and Enable 4000 Teachers in Iraq towards Effective Digital Integration in Education

Evaluation of Kayani Foundation Schools

PEDAGOGY evaluated UNESCO Middle Schools to help Syrian refugees in Lebanon with their education (Kayani Foundation). The evaluation included educational aspects such as the number of students in classes, the distribution of programs and teaching strategies, the techniques used, and the extent to which students interact with the prepared contents, as well as the students’ remote monitoring of the e-learning process.

Academic Research on Education During Crisis

A study was conducted on education during crises and emergencies in the member countries of the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States. Experts and officials from the ministries of education, as well as teachers from the Arab Gulf countries, participated in the field study. The study established a framework for education during a crisis, particularly for first-graders and children with disabilities.

Policy for Educational Decision Makers

The policy paper was prepared with funding from the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center as a part of the “Education is Peace” project, which aims to support countries in emergencies and crises. The guide was developed under the supervision of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab countries and was implemented directly by Pedagogy for Educational Development in Lebanon.

Reviewing of Studies on the Educational Sector in the Arab World

Consultancy for Covid-19 response to support Member States with Online Learning Solutions Project: Produce a series of policy/technical notes on guiding diversified distance learning pathways and accountable assessment methodologies and with customized consultation by contextualized technical expertise for respective country. Moreover, conducted capacity building sessions with member states with contextualized examples on solutions, platforms, approaches of remote teaching.

Preparation of the National Plan for Blended Learning

Nominated by the UNESCO regional bureau for Education in the Arab States, and for the benefit of the ministry of education and higher education in Lebanon, Pedagogy for Educational Development has prepared a five-year plan for blended learning at the national level in Lebanon for the years 2020/2021 – 2021/2022. The plan included administrative, organizational, financial, educational, technical, and logistical aspects through the development of multiple scenarios that take into account Lebanon’s health and economic conditions.

Research Study on Educational Loss in the Arab Countries

PEDAGOGY contributed to the development of a research study on mechanisms for measuring and estimating the educational loss in the Arab countries during the Corona pandemic, as well as recovery strategies. PEDAGOGY participated in the implementation and development of the research study in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia, and Palestine, and led the field study in Lebanon.

Kodrat Platform

KODRAT distance learning training platform, inclusive to capacity building for teachers to enable them in times of distance and blended learning. The platform allows trainees and learners to learn at their own pace ensuring self-learning is catered for in an interactive approach.

Empowering Staff Capacities

Pedagogy’s team of trainers provided workshops to staff members of Basmeh & Zeitooneh, Concern Worldwide and other affiliated NGOs. The objective of the workshops is to empower the staffs’ technical abilities and build their capacities on the following topics: Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Communication Skills, Project Management and Report Writing, Stress Management, Microsoft Office Tools: Word and Excel, Leadership, Planning and Organization and Relaxation Techniques (Meditation, Yoga and Arts)

Reviewers of Quality Assurance in Education

Empowering Excellence in Education: Pedagogy and AROQA Join Forces to Organize an Exclusive Training Program, Enabling Administrative Professionals to Attain Certification as Highly Competent Reviewers of Quality Assurance in the Field of Education

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