Kodrat Platform
PEDAGOGY has prepared and developed an advanced-level training manual on e-learning tools and strategies, along with training trainers and supervisors from the Iraqi Ministry of Education, in partnership with UNESCO, UNICEF, and the European Union
Key considerations for educators in the Arab world
The closing ceremony held by UNESCO’s Regional Office for Education in Arab States and the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Works celebrated the successful completion of the “Education for Peace” project, in which PEDAGOGY played a key role, showcasing their valuable contributions in developing an e-learning platform for teachers, creating educational resources, and building capacity in the Arab region

Education Beyond: 2021
Pedagogy attended the two days online conference developed by ASIC UK titled “Education Beyond: 2021.” in 2021
Research and Development Department
Periodic submission of articles from the Research and Development Department to the Arab Journal of Quality Education (biannual, peer-reviewed, and indexed journal).

Conference developed by ASIC UK
Pedagogy attended the two days conference developed by ASIC UK titled “ASIC – ACCREDITATION SERVICE for INTERNATIONAL COLLEGES” in 2018 at Oman
GITEX Technology Week
Pedagogy attended the GITEX Technology Week the world’s most innovative gathering of global technology visionaries and the architects of the future, between the 6th and the 10th of October in 2019 in Dubai

MOS Lebanon Championship
Pedagogy, in collaboration with Makhzoumi Foundation, has organized the launching ceremony in the North for the 2018 Microsoft Office Specialist Lebanon Championship on the 24th of February at Jinan University
1st VEX Robotics
Pedagogy, in collaboration with Beirut Arab University, organized the 1st VEX Robotics North League 2017

2nd VEX Robotics
Pedagogy, in collaboration with Azm University, organized the 2nd VEX Robotics North League 2018.
Quality Assurance and Accreditation
Pedagogy co-organized the 9th annual conference chaired by H.E. Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh on “Quality Assurance and Accreditation: Challenges and Prospects” at the League of Arab States in Egypt on the 3rd and 4th of December 2017

Quality Assurance and Accreditation
Pedagogy co-organized the 10th and 11th annual conferences chaired by H.E. Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh on “Quality Assurance and Accreditation” in Lebanon and Jordan in 2018 and 2019 consecutively
Memorandum of Understanding
On the 1st of February 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Pedagogy and AROQA (Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education). The aim is to disseminate academic accreditation culture to ensure educational quality according to international best practices of teaching and learning

43rd edition of the Book Fair
Pedagogy participated in the 43rd edition of the Book Fair during which various activities were organized such as knowledge speed test and science experiments. In addition to conducting introductory sessions in collaboration with ILTS on Education 365 office and BBC Micro: bit
Seminar on Quality Education
Pedagogy organized a seminar on Quality Education to guide partner schools in the management of teaching and learning according to national and international benchmarks with Karim Nasr (UOB), Khaled Kamaleddine (QA), and Rasha Tadmouri (Member of GTC at LU)